I have added the following to the terms of service:
I will not accept to host Mastodon servers that promote or that become a gathering of users around the following topics:
- Sexual content involving minors, including artistic depictions
- Gore and extremely graphic violence, including artistic depictions
- National Socialism
- Nazism
- Holocaust denial
- Racism
- Alt right, including under the disguise of freedom of speech
- Gender-critical
- Sex and gender discrimination
- Transphobia
- Misogyny
- Pro-ana / Pro-mia
I will also not accept Mastodon servers that are mainly used for the following activities:
- Automated sharing of third-party content, news sources, websites or social media content that doesn’t belong to you
- Trolling, insulting and derogatory comments towards others outside your server
- Mass following and aggregation of content
I have changed the wording from “Mastodon instances” to “Mastodon servers”, corrected small typos and grammar, changed from “plans” to “old plans” when mentioning specifics from those plans and removed details about the old dedicated plans that are not relevant because I no longer offer that service.
If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.