Upgrade, downgrade and cancellations

You may upgrade, downgrade and cancel your subscription at any time.

How to upgrade

Please visit https://my.masto.host/ and on the hosting details page, click 'Manage subscription' and follow the 'Change subscription' steps.

This will trigger a server reboot that will cause around 30 seconds of downtime.

Upgrades are pro-rated, meaning you will be charged the price difference until your renewal date.

How to downgrade

Please visit https://my.masto.host/ and on the hosting details page, click 'Manage subscription' and follow the 'Change subscription' steps.

This will trigger a server reboot that will cause around 30 seconds of downtime.

How to cancel

Please visit https://my.masto.host/ and on the hosting details page, click 'Manage subscription' and then 'Cancel subscription'.

To confirm, enter your password and the date you want the service suspended.